Welcome to ChimDingo professional consultancy section. ChimDingo offers boutique personal Management Consultancy in a number of specialist areas that compliment each other covering Business, Personal & Lifestyle arenas. Your business is only as good as your people; nurture them.

Note: Brian, the President & founder, is on Interim Management Assignments in the GSM Telecommunications & ICT industry, worldwide. Professional services either in a full or part-time capacity are not on offer until he relocates permanently to Latin America plus takes on local staff but a brief overview is provided now for future purposes. This is Plan C if I don’t get a corporate job when I am ready to live in Panama or after I retire from the normal corporate life.

Brian Heath, MBA Macq, President, ChimDingo Inc.
Motivational Speaking
Ever lack motivation? We all do at some point!

Motivation, in my opinion, is the key step in mastering yourself or your team in whatever endeavour you undertake. Personally I decided to formalise & expand this area based on my MBA experience when I attended the Public Performance for Managers subject. For someone who once had close to a phobia about speaking in public & would avoid it at all costs, to a gradual need to have to do it for work internally & then actually presenting a few external presentations as guest speaker it has been quite a change. Then learning the theory of rhetoric, having to compose ones own speech, present it while being filmed & having to go though the embarrassment of the post mortem was enlightening.

I wrote mine on gaining my first degree & I was told it was a great written speech, that I’d make a good motivational speaker, but I’d have to have to work on my delivery more. When I was reviewing material for this website & also reflecting on my journey through life to date, I realised I have a wealth of material stored in my head & that I should refine & publish this with a view to presenting this in motivational seminars in the future. Regularly check the publishing section as I add real life experiences as the first step in this exercise.
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Design & Layout: Brian Heath & Soluciones Modernas.