Gidday ! – Brian spent the first 24 years of his life in various parts of Queensland, Australia including Brisbane, Toowoomba, Esk & out west in Roma, Mt Isa & on Thursday Island off Cape York. Queenslanders are known affectionately as “banana benders” as a lot are grown there. Brian comes from a poor background, spent some time in a boy’s home & had to leave school at fifteen. Since then he has spent time working in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, France, Mexico & Iraq (Baghdad, Kurdistan, Basrah), Ghana, Haiti, Panama & U.A.E.
Brian has a MBA (Master of Business Administration) in General Management from Macquarie University Graduate School of Management, Sydney, Australia, gained in 2003. He was an IT Director in Energy (Business Technology), is a qualified volunteer surf lifesaver, rescue boat driver & instructor & he has two trades (Fitter / Outboard Marine Mechanic) but has performed Contracting, Consulting & Interim Management engagements since then. He has worked in a number of sectors (Hydro Electricity, Telecommunications, Broadband ISP, Container Shipping, IT Vendors, Mining & Immigration) in his professional career & undertaken community & development work.
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